Pubs in Southern England

in the old part of the OLD INN in Widecombe-in-the-Moor

in the old part of the OLD INN in Widecombe-in-the-Moor

England is the country of pubs. (public houses) These are beautiful, mostly ancient places, where one may delightfully spend a rainy day or even a whole evening of the great British summer. You can also eat in most pubs, but there are some differences:

In many (usually basic) pubs, “pub grub” is offered. This is simple food such as burgers etc. which tend to have more calories and are intended to encourage more drinking.
In the “gastro pubs” (please ask carefully for these!) there are often really upmarket and sophisticated dishes that are a lot of fun. These are the pubs that we prefer and recommend. On the contrary, Gastro-pub does not mean that the buildings are not as old or as comfortable. Usually, they have a separate guest room for the food with table service. You don’t know how this is organised before going in so each entrance to a new pub is exciting. What do they do here?

Small practical tip from us: On entering a pub just look around to see whether there is a separate guest room. If so, this is a clear signal for table service. Always go to the bar first and choose a drink from the large selection of tapped beers and ciders on offer. If you don’t know which to have, just chat with the barkeeper and find out his favourite. Almost everywhere you can get a sample of beer and can find the perfect drink for you – but don’t forget to order a “pint” which is about 0,568 litres (the large glass).
Once you have a drink ask how you can order food. Either you are directed to a waiter (take your drinks with you!) or you get the menu and have open seating. If the waiter seats you, food can be ordered from him. Otherwise, you look for a seat, choose the food from the menu and order and pay for it at the bar. You usually get a painted wooden spoon with your order number or something similar to put on your table. This means that they find you when the food comes from the kitchen. After this there is no more service, but you can sit undisturbed for hours at your table.

The Old Inn in Widecombe-in-the-Moor

The Old Inn in Widecombe-in-the-Moor

The Seven Stars Pub (Winsley near Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire)

The Seven Stars Pub (Winsley near Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire)

The Cross Guns Pub (Avoncliff near Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire)

The Cross Guns Pub (Avoncliff near Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire)

The White Hart Pub (Pulborough, West Sussex)

The White Hart Pub (Pulborough, West Sussex)

The Trout Inn in Wolvercote (Oxford)

The Trout Inn in Wolvercote (Oxford)

Of course, there are an infinite number of other pubs and the ones mentioned here are just a few examples.

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