Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral (officially „Cathedral Church of Saint Peter“), situated in the heart of Devon, UK, is a magnificent example of Gothic architecture and an important landmark in the region. The Cathedral dates back to the 12th century and has undergone several additions and restorations over the years.

The Cathedral’s stunning interior is adorned with intricate carvings, beautiful stained glass windows, and impressive vaulted ceilings. It also houses the longest uninterrupted stretch of Gothic vaulting in the world, making it a truly remarkable feat of engineering and craftsmanship.

Exeter Cathedral is also home to a range of significant artifacts, including the Exeter Book, an Anglo-Saxon manuscript dating back to the 10th century, and the famous Astronomical Clock, which has been keeping time for over 600 years.

Visitors can explore the Cathedral’s rich history by taking guided tours, attending services, or simply admiring its beauty from the outside. With its stunning architecture and fascinating history, Exeter Cathedral is a must-visit destination for anyone traveling to Devon or the UK.

Website of Exeter Cathedral with opening hours

Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral

Exeter Cathedral illuminated for an evening live concert

Exeter Cathedral illuminated for an evening live concert

Live Concert at Exeter Cathedral (The Oysterband with June Tabor)

Live Concert at Exeter Cathedral (The Oysterband with June Tabor)

Live Concert at Exeter Cathedral (The Oysterband with June Tabor)

Live Concert at Exeter Cathedral (The Oysterband with June Tabor)

Live Concert at Exeter Cathedral (The Oysterband)

Live Concert at Exeter Cathedral (The Oysterband)

Live Concert at Exeter Cathedral (The Oysterband with June Tabor)

Live Concert at Exeter Cathedral (The Oysterband with June Tabor)

Exeter Cathedral and Cathedral Close

Exeter Cathedral and Cathedral Close

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