Tour 4 – The Isle of Wight and the New Forest


This trip is something special and connects two regions, each of which is worth its own little trip: The “holiday island” Isle of Wight and the beautiful New Forest with its varied characteristics of forest, heathland and grassland and its wild horses.

For this trip you should calculate at least 7 days. 12 days would be better so that you can spend a whole week in one of the wonderful cosy self-catering cottages on the Isle of Wight.

Tour to the Isle of Wight und through the New Forest in the south of England


Here are some of the places enroute:

  • London Heathrow Airport

  • Arundel, West Sussex, England

    Arundel, West Sussex, England

    Arundel, West Sussex, England


  • Ryde, Isle of Wight, England

    IOW Island Line - Ryde Esplanade – here you can transfer to the buses (left) and the hovercraft (right).

    IOW Island Line – Ryde Esplanade – here you can transfer to the buses (left) and the hovercraft (right).

    More is coming soon!

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