Tour 2 – The west of southern England including Dartmoor and Exmoor


The south-west of England is much more than Cornwall. On this tour we visit the counties of Devon, Dorset, Somerset, Wiltshire and Hampshire with beautiful coastal areas, impressive towns and mansions and devote a lot of time to the two great moors of Dartmoor and Exmoor.

Tour of the West (Map)

From the airport in London (usually Heathrow) you go to Winchester, the old capital of England.

Through the beautiful New Forest (small tip: Do not rush through on the motorway, but enjoy a bit of the landscape a little on small side roads) we go to the Isle of Purbeck, which is a peninsula. Corfe Castle, although ruined, is very picturesque and impressive. A small highlight are Durdle Door (the „rock with the hole“ in the sea) and the almost circular bay Lulworth Cove. Along the coast we head to Abbotsbury on the Jurassic Coast – a very lovely place where a visit is highly recommended to both the Subtropical Garden and the Swannery (in May the baby swans have just hatched – don’t miss it!). Further on Lyme Regis is worth a visit, as is Beer, which is nearby (The place is really called this!).

In Exeter, the cathedral is at least worth a visit. To the south is the nice town of Dartmouth, where you can make a trip up the River Dart to Totnes. Then we arrive at the famous Dartmoor, a very special area: A national park with a variety of features, for which you should definitely take a few days. On the edge of the moor are Tavistock and the Lydford Gorge – a great gorge.

A short detour takes us across the border to Cornwall, where Cotehele House and Garden is worth a visit. This is a manor house with a huge garden and a small harbour by the river, an active mill and much more. Railway fans should not miss the Calstock Viaduct – best seen from Cotehele by the way.

With a short hop to the north we reach the second moor of our journey, Exmoor. It is a very varied, beautiful area, partly deeply wooded. Extensive hikes and tours are recommended, such as to Lynton/Lynmouth with the Valley of Rocks or to the „chocolate box“, the adorable village of Selworthy. A hike to Selworthy Beacon offers beautiful views of the Bristol Channel and inland, along with yellow-flowering broom and grazing sheep in spring. It’s also worth a detour to Dunkery Beacon, which is a feast for the eyes especially in late summer with flowering Heather. In Dunster you should visit the castle and the area has a lot of other things to offer. Tip: The TIC (Tourist Information Centre) in Dunster has excellent maps and expert advice for worthwhile excursions in the national park!

We leave Exmoor and drive west, where at least a stopover should be made at Montacute House in Somerset a stopover should be made. It’s not far to Glastonbury, the legendary Avalon. The Abbey is only a ruin, but still very worth seeing. Even more worth seeing is the cathedral of Wells – certainly one of the most beautiful ones in England!
In the city of Bath, the old Roman baths are well preserved or restored, and not far from the city is the village of Lacock. Countless historical films have been made in this unchanged environment – and the village is absolutely flooded by tourists during the day. In the evening from 6 p.m. onwards it is all the more beautiful. The same applies to the picturesque Castle Combe, just a little to the north. If you feel like it, make a detour to the ship’s staircase at Caen Hill in Devizes, where the canal boats torment themselves up the mountain via 29 locks.

From here we reach London Airport under an one hour and a half.

For this trip you should calculate at least 14 days.


And here some of the places along the route:

  • London Heathrow Airport

    London from above

    London from above

  • Winchester, Hampshire, England

    Winchester (Hampshire)

    Winchester (Hampshire)


  • Durdle Door & Lulworth Cove, Dorset, England

    Durdle Door & Lulworth Cove, Dorset, England

    Durdle Door & Lulworth Cove, Dorset, England

  • Abbotsbury with Swannery and subtropical garden, Dorset, England

    Abbotsbury. Dorset, England

    Abbotsbury. Dorset, England

  • Lyme Regis, Dorset, England

    Lyme Regis, Dorset, England

    Lyme Regis, Dorset, England


  • Beer, Devon, England

    Beer, Devon, England

    Beer, Devon, England

  • Exeter, Devon, England

    Exeter (Devon), close to the cathedral

    Exeter (Devon), close to the cathedral

  • Dartmouth, Devon, England

    Dartmouth, Devon, England

    Dartmouth, Devon, England

  • Totnes, Devon, England

    Totnes, Devon, England

    Totnes, Devon, England

  • Dartmoor, Devon, England

    Dartmoor (Devon) - great expanse!

    Dartmoor (Devon) – great expanse!

  • Cotehele House & Garden, Cornwall, England

    Cotehele in Cornwall

    Cotehele in Cornwall

  • Lydford Gorge, Devon, England

    Lydford Gorge, Lydford, Devon, England

    Lydford Gorge, Lydford, Devon, England

  • Lynton & Barnstaple Railway in Exmoor, Devon, England

    Lynton & Barnstaple Railway (Devon)

    Lynton & Barnstaple Railway (Devon)

  • Lynton / Lynmouth, Devon, England

    Seconds before reaching the Lynton & Lynmouth Cliff Railway lower station

    Seconds before reaching the Lynton & Lynmouth Cliff Railway lower station

  • Porlock Weir, Somerset, England

    Porlock Weir. Somerset, England

    Porlock Weir. Somerset, England

  • Porlock, Somerset, England

    The Ship Inn Pub at Porlock (Exmoor)

    The Ship Inn Pub at Porlock (Exmoor)

  • Selworthy, Somerset, England

    Selworthy on Exmoor (Somerset)

    Selworthy on Exmoor (Somerset)

  • Exmoor, Devon/Somerset, England

    Exmoor (Devon / Somerset) - the roads are narrow here

    Exmoor (Devon / Somerset) – the roads are narrow here

  • Dunster, Somerset, England

    Dunster, Somerset, England

    Dunster, Somerset, England

  • Montacute House, Somerset, England

    Montacute House, Somerset, England

    Montacute House, Somerset, England


  • Glastonbury (Avalon), Somerset, England

    Glastonbury (Avalon), Somerset, England - Model of the old Abbey

    Glastonbury (Avalon), Somerset, England – Model of the old Abbey


  • Wells Cathedral, Somerset, England

    Wells Cathedral (Somerset)

    Wells Cathedral (Somerset)


  • Bath, Somerset, England

    Roman baths in Bath (Somerset)

    Roman baths in Bath (Somerset)


  • Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire, England

    Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire, England

    Bradford-on-Avon, Wiltshire, England


  • Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England

    Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England

    Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England


  • Lacock, Wiltshire, England

    Lacock, Witshire, England

    Lacock, Witshire, England


  • Caen Hill Boat Stairway in Devizes, Wiltshire, England

    Caen Hill in Devizes (Wiltshire)

    Caen Hill in Devizes (Wiltshire)


  • London Airport (return flight)


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